IMS Japan Conference 2022
Notice of holding
From Thursday 25th August to Saturday 27th August 2022,
"IMS Japan Conference 2022" will be held online.
Holding procedure
In the midst of the corona crisis, the computerization of education has steadily progressed, and the GIGA school concept and digital transformation (DX) human resources, which are unprecedented in the world, have realized a one-person environment for millions of people in a short period of time. Japan is currently undergoing a large-scale social change, such as the concept of realizing the In order for future generations to correctly evaluate these policies and practices, we should actively participate in them and leave records (data and evaluations) of them from multiple perspectives. I can't get enough of it.
One of the weaknesses of informatization in Japan so far has been the silo of systems, which is now recognized in the education field. Cooperation progressed. As a result, not only will data be used to improve education and learning, but work will also be automated, and new forms of learning, such as work style reforms for teachers and personalization of learning, will become a reality. .
Now that data linkage between systems has become a reality, the next goal is to realize learner support and teacher support through AI (artificial intelligence) and educational IoT (Internet of things). Based on the philosophies of “fair and individually optimized learning” (personal learning) and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), we aim to create an optimal and comfortable learning environment and learning process for each individual. , mechanical assistance becomes essential. And to leave no one behind (Education for ALL, EFA) and achieve the goals for sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs), digital technology based on the premise of resource sharing and reuse is necessary. The ecosystem will be a viable solution. Interoperability of systems, tools, and data is what makes this digital ecosystem a reality, and the basis for that is technical standards agreed upon by the community.
This year's theme is "Towards the 'Social Implementation' of International Technical Standards - Development of Educational DX and Digital Ecosystems." It will be interesting to see how a digital ecosystem that guarantees interoperability based on technical standards will go beyond individual and institutional system linkages to realize new value-added services by linking educational data at the level of social implementation. I would like to think about the future of education DX that should be. In the future, DX obstacles such as legacy systems, vendor lock-in, and customer lock-in symbolized by the word "wall of 2025" are expected, but it is necessary to use technical standards such as LTI to replace each system. There is also a possibility that you can get through it more easily. At the same time, I would like to sort out these issues that surround us.
Director and Steering Committee Chair, IMS Society of Japan
Tsuneo Yamada
Held theme
[Date and time]
Thursday 25th August - Saturday 27th August
【way to participate】
Held online
1,000 people
※ We will close on a first-come, first-served basis.
IMS Society of Japan
Japan Electronic Publishing Association
Practical Ability Accreditation Organization
General Incorporated Foundation Open Badge Network
Japan Online Education Industry Association
General Incorporated Association Evidence Driven Education and Research Council
General Incorporated Association ICT CONNECT 21
Simul International Co., Ltd.
NEW EDUCATION EXPO Executive Committee
Japan Open Online Education Promotion Council
International Consortium for Education and Research
University ICT Promotion Council
Japan IT Association Federation
Towards "social implementation" of international technical standards
Development of education DX and digital ecosystem
102 11:00~12:00
1EdTech Standards: The Role of Generative AI in Developing the Next Generation of EdTech Standards
Colin Smythe 1EdTech Consortium Chief Architect
104(オンサイト) 13:35~14:35
則武 和輝 (コニカミノルタ) Kazuki Noritake (Konica Minolta)
藤原 茂雄(内田洋行) Shigeo Fujiwara (Uchida Yoko)
秦 隆博 (デジタルナレッジ、OB部会) Takahiro Hata (Digital Knowledge, OB WG)
常盤祐司(日本1EdTech協会)Yuji Tokiwa (1EdTech Japan Society)
105(オンサイト) 14:50~15:50
1EdTech Japan ラボ開設パネルディスカッション
・LTI : 則武 和輝 コニカミノルタ株式会社
・OneRoster : 小森 智子 株式会社内田洋行
・Open Badges : 秦 隆博 株式会社デジタル・ナレッジ
・モデレータ: 常盤 祐司 日本1EdTech協会 技術委員会委員長
日本1EdTech協会 Q&A)
100 10:00~10:05
常盤 祐司 日本1EdTech協会 技術委員会委員長
コンフォーマンステストを活用しよう – LTI・OneRoster編
久保 美那子 日本1EdTech協会、1EdTech Certified Training & Implementation Manager
Minako KUBO 1EdTech Japan Society, 1EdTech Certified Training & Implementation Manager
藤原 茂雄 日本1EdTech協会 Shigeo FUJIWARA 1EdTech Japan Society
1EdTech Japan Tech Day